Vol. 35 (2019)
Artículos originales
Ácaros asociados a nidos de águila real (Aquila chrysaetos canadensis) (Falconiformes: Accipitridae) en México
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Resumen 1152
Comportamiento depredador de dos especies de arañas del género Phonotimpus (Araneae: Phrurolithidae)
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Resumen 1417
Revisión genérica de Fulcidacini Jakobson, 1924 (Chrysomelidae, Cryptocephalinae) para México
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A new Paxillus MacLeay, 1819 (Coleoptera: Passalidae: Passalinae) from Brazilian Amazon
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Contribución a la familia Braconidae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) del estado de Aguascalientes
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Impacts of chronic wasting disease on a low density mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) population in the San Andres Mountains, Chihuahuan Desert, New Mexico
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Mántidos (Insecta: Mantodea) de la Reserva de la Biósfera Selva El Ocote, Chiapas, México
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Accessibility do not explain abundance of medium and large-sized mammals in Terra Do Meio, Altamira, Pará, Brazil
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Estado actual de la Colección Coleopterológica de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza (CCFES-Z), UNAM
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Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of the tropical mountain cloud forest from El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, Mexico
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Vegetal synergists for trapping the adult of Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal, in pheromone baited traps, in Agave angustifolia Haw., in Morelos, Mexico
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Three new species of Proparachaeta Townsend, 1928 (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Brazil and Peru, and redescription of the type species from Paraguay
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Diversidad de Coleoptera (Insecta) en dos comunidades vegetales del rancho Teseachi, Chihuahua, México
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Variation of the rainfall regime in the Northern region and its effect on the Odonata (Insecta) in Been river, Amazonas, Brazil
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A new species of the genus Pucaya from Peru (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
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Adaptability of the threatened jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi Schereber, 1777) to human-altered environments in San Luis Potosí, Mexico
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New species and new records of Lygistorrhina Skuse from Mexico (Diptera: Lygistorrhinidae)
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Diversidad de aves en sitios con distinto uso de suelo en Nuevo Conhuas, Calakmul, México
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Notas científicas
First report of the genus Umbelligerus Deitz, 1975 (Hemiptera: Membracidae: Stegaspidinae) for Colombia
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First Record of leucism in Tropidurus hispidus (Spix, 1825) (Squamata: Tropiduridae) in north Brazil, Eastern Amazon
Resumen 738
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Primeros registros del Chipe dorado Protonotaria citrea (Aves: Passeriformes) en el estado de Puebla, México
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Observaciones del rascón pinto, Pardirallus maculatus (Aves: Rallidae) en el centro-occidente de Veracruz
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Nuevos registros de la comadreja cola larga (Mustela frenata) en la zona semidesértica de Durango, México
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Leucism in Reithrodontomys mexicanus soederstroemi (Rodentia: Cricetidae), Quito, Ecuador
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Resumen 441
Retrieving Peromyscus bullatus from P. difficilis (Rodentia: Cricetidae) through cranial morphometry in a mammal collection
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Photographic record of Thraupis episcopus (Blue gray Tanager) in an urban environment on the central coast of Oaxaca, Mexico
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Pathogenic activity of Isaria spp. for control of Dactylopius opuntiae (Hemiptera: Dactylopiideae) and the effects of selected insecticides
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